The Effects of Emotional Intelligence in Education.

 How does emotional intelligence affect teaching and learning.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a set of skills that enable individuals to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions, as well as those of others. According to a study, teachers with high EI tend to have better classroom management, higher student engagement, lower stress levels, and more job satisfaction.

Emotional intelligence can affect teaching in the following way.

  • Teachers high in emotional intelligence will understand their own students and themselves, building empathy and making each individual feel part of the set-up.
  • Emotional intelligent people are better able to manage emotions associated with educational settings, such as stress, frustration, or exam anxiety, and this set of abilities also helps by improving the relationships with peers and teachers.
  • Educators can access and implement evidence-based strategies for classroom management, feedback for collaborative classrooms, managing bullying, supporting students with test anxiety, fostering creativity, and much more.

Teaching emotional intelligence can equip students with skills such as self-awareness, emotional control, self-motivation, empathy, and relationship skills. These skills can help students succeed both academically and socially.  Encouraging students to understand the difference between “sad”, “disappointed” and “upset” acts as a springboard to develop appropriate strategies for each.

Incorporating emotional intelligence into the curriculum can be done through various strategies and activities. For instance, active listening is a key part of creating genuine two-way communication in the classroom. It involves genuinely following dialogue and responding to others using your own body language, then being able to demonstrate that you have understood by verbally summarizing back key messages that have been received .

In conclusion, emotional intelligence can play a significant role in teaching and learning by providing a gateway to better communication with others. It is therefore important for schools to explore some of its main facets.

Impact of Emotional Intelligence

Interest in teaching and learning social and emotional intelligence has grown in recent years. Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs have become a standard part of the curriculum for many schools.

The goal of these initiatives is not only to improve health and well-being but also to help students succeed academically and prevent bullying. There are many examples of how emotional intelligence can play a role in daily life.

Thinking Before Reacting

Emotionally intelligent people know that emotions can be powerful, but also temporary. When a highly charged emotional event happens, such as becoming angry with a co-worker, the emotionally intelligent response would be to take some time before responding. This allows everyone to calm their emotions and think more rationally about all the factors surrounding the argument.

Greater Self-Awareness

Emotionally intelligent people are not only good at thinking about how other people might feel but they are also adept at understanding their own feelings. Self-awareness allows people to consider the many different factors that contribute to their emotions.

Empathy for Others

A large part of emotional intelligence is being able to think about and empathize with how other people are feeling. This often involves considering how you would respond if you were in the same situation.


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